
Creating a REST Service Client in WebSphere Commerce v7.0 with Apache Wink

Creating a REST Service Client in WebSphere Commerce v7.0 with Apache Wink

The WebSphere Commerce Information Center has plenty of documentation on how to create a inbound REST service; however, when trying to create an outbound REST service client, you are left to own research and devices as to an implementation strategy. Knowing that WebSphere Commerce v7.0 includes the Apache Wink framework; we can leverage this to create a REST service client that is also based upon Apache Wink, and leverages a framework pattern rather than just pieces of code put together to execute HTTP calls and retrieve the responses.

Numbering Rows in DB2 with ROW_NUMBER() and PARTITION BY

Numbering Rows in DB2 with ROW_NUMBER() and PARTITION BY

Working on a recent project, I had a task that required me to number the rows of result set; however, I needed to reset the numbering based on the distinct value of a field, or group of fields. I accomplished my task by leveraging ROW_NUMBER() and PARTITION BY.