For those who have worked with WebSphere Commerce v7.0, developer toolkit installations do not contain or provide a copy of the DBClean utility. If you want to leverage, test, or develop for the DBClean utility you need to enable the utility to run within your toolkit environment.
NOTE: Developer toolkit installations only contain a minimum amount of entries within the CLEANCONF table. To fully execute the necessary DBClean utility statements, an export of data from a server installation is required; otherwise, custom statements need to be developed and inserted for execution.
To enable the DBClean utility in your WebSphere Commerce v7.0 developer toolkit installation follow the steps below:
NOTE: The following variables are referenced throughout the instructions.
- ${WC_HOME} : The toolkit installation directory (ie. C:\IBM\WCDE_ENT70)
- ${DB2_HOME} : The IBM DB2 installation directory (ie. C:\IBM\SQLLIB)
Step 1. Copy and ${WC_HOME}\bin\setenv.bat file to ${WC_HOME}\bin\setenv_dbclean.bat.
Step 2. Modify the ${WC_HOME}\bin\setenv_dbclean.bat file to include the following line, and set the DB2_DRIVER variable, substituting the appropriate value for the ${DB2_HOME} variable.
set DB2_DRIVER=${DB2_HOME}\java\db2jcc4.jar;${DB2_HOME}\java\db2jcc_license_cu.jar
Step 3. Copy the file contents below and create a new ${WC_HOME}\bin\dbclean.bat file, or copy the dbclean.bat file from a Windows server installation to the ${WC_HOME}\bin directory in your toolkit and modify it to reference the proper ${WC_HOME}\bin\setenv_dbclean.bat file created in steps 1 and 2.
call setenv_dbclean.bat set CP1=%WCS_HOME%\lib\Utilities.jar;%WCS_HOME%\workspace\WC\lib\jtopen.jar;%WCS_HOME%\workspace\WC\Enablement-BaseComponentsLogic.jar;%WCS_HOME%\properties;%WAS_HOME%\java\jre\lib\xml.jar;%WAS_HOME%\lib\xerces.jar;%WAS_HOME%\lib\j2ee.jar set CP2=%WCS_JCE_CLASSPATH%;%DB2_DRIVER%;%ORACLE_DRIVER% set CP3=%CP1%;%CP2% %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -classpath %CP3% -Dos=windows -Dwclogdir=%WCLOGDIR% -Doracle.jdbc.J2EE13Compliant=true -DWCS_HOME=%WCS_HOME% com.ibm.commerce.clean.DBClean %*
Step 4. Insert appropriate CLEANCONF table records as needed.
For further information on executing the DBClean utility, please refer to the WebSphere Commerce Info Center topic, Database Cleanup Utility.